About Me

And thusly, a new chapter begins.

In October of 2010, I left a job I hated; one I hated, but was OH so good at. The question was posed, as it always is, "What do you want to do?"

And the only thing I could think was, "Something I enjoy!"

Which, in itself, is a wonderful thought. Except, I had absolutely NO idea what that meant.

It took me a while to get my bearings, during which time I started to return to my roots; to doing what I actually DID enjoy, to catching up on all those things that had fallen through the cracks while I was too busy to notice.

I found a new direction going down an old path. I started a new "career" that draws on my strengths, my knowledge & my passion. I learned to breathe again.

And I enjoyed it thoroughly.

And I realized, it all really IS an illusion.
But, "making something disappear isn't enough. You have to bring it back!"

So, welcome to the Grand Illusion...