Monday, January 17, 2011


It's amazing how thoroughly lost you can get when you think you are going the right direction.

Almost 5 years ago, I headed off down the road to an office job that I thought was a great fit.
It wasn't.
Nope, not at all.

And I could sit here & write an entry that would rival War & Peace about that experience...
But it's over, & done with, & like every bad relationship, in retrospect, I learned a lot. Better to leave all the junk behind me & move on.

Which I did.

I spent 10 weeks trying to "find" myself, which is pretty funny because I was "here" all along. I had just lost sight of what I loved to do, where I wanted to be, and, most importantly, who I am.

The best job I ever had was being a mom; & I was always pretty darned good at it. And all of a sudden, I had my life back, & plenty of time to do it! My new-found freedom gave me the opportunity to bake again, to create recipes again, to dust behind the TV again! (Oh, don't judge me, no one ever looks back there anyway!) I cooked, & cleaned, & organized, & decorated to my heart's content. I even had time to pick up a book & curl up with the cats.


It was wonderful.

During that time, I looked for work. Diligently. Sometimes up to 4 applications a day. And found... NOTHING! Nope, nobody seemed to want me & my skill set. It got to be quite discouraging.

So... I cooked, & cleaned, & organized more. I decked the halls, & hosted the Holidays, & quite thoroughly enjoyed being home.

But I missed the paycheck. Not the job, just the cash. And the shoe shopping. And the lattes. And the wine collecting.

So... I kept looking, & applying, & checking the inbox & the voicemail, & listening to all my friends say, "Don't worry."

Until one day, I answered a little ad that simply read "Circuit Coach". I had NO idea what that was, so of COURSE I had to click on it. And apply for it. And, much to my surprise, INTERVIEW for it.

And here I am, off in a new direction. One that I never saw coming, but that was right in front of me the entire time. And I get to use my "mom" skills as well as all my "work" related experience to make a difference in the lives of some wonderful women.

Sometimes, you just need to pause on the journey, look up, say out loud "Where the heck am I?" & get your bearings. And then head off in the opposite direction.



  1. well, now i am very tell.....!!

    what is this mysterious circut coach? lovely post friend. i love the 'real' stuff so much. you are brave and courageous and keep your inspiration is what happens when we are making other plans.

  2. Not so much brave as maybe impetuous?

    No mystery at all to the "circuit coach". I am working at a fitness club; instructing on the machines, weighing, measuring, cheerleading & encouraging.

    And also laughing, sharing, learning...

    It's a great fit :)

  3. I love that you found the perfect job for you (or the perfect job found you)--I bet you are a fabulous circuit coach!

  4. Aw, thanks :)
    I seemed to have stumbled on a nice little niche.
